We recommend you use WeTransfer for sending us your pdf.
Do not send us your InDesign files. Use the export to pdf settings on our file requirements pages to make a pdf to send to us.
Click on the WeTransfer logo below to be taken to the wetransfer page.
Please send all files with wetransfer to: prepress@lincoprinting.com
*** In your message, make sure to include the specs and type the contact information of the person who will be responsible for making corrections should we find any problems with the file(s) .
Do not send us your InDesign files. We require PDFs. ***
If you have any questions or problems uploading your file with wetransfer please refer to www.wetransfer.com/questions#sending.
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A FTP client is required to connect to our ftp servers below. DO NOT use your web browser. Email prepress@lincoprinting.com to let them know you’ve uploaded files to our ftp server.
• Primary Host Address: ftp1.lincoprinting.com (
• Backup Host Address: ftp2.lincoprinting.com (
• Username: upload Password: files